Montag, 5. März 2012

My sister is coming!!!!!!!

My beloved bigger sister is coming to California in merely 3 days!!!! It's soooooooooooooooo incredible wonderful amazing aweeeeesome XDD I am really really happy to have her here and see her again.
We will probably bicker at each other the whole time though :D
She is gonna stay with me and my hostfamily from Thursday to Monday :) Then she will board a plane to San Jose! That's close to where she got an internship as a computer programmer :) I hope everything will be alright with her apartment and car search... luckily two of her close friends got an internship up there too! :) She is going to live 8 hours apart from me, but my hopes are big that we get to travel a lot together!!! Awwww it's gonna be sooooooooooooo awesome :D *happy* *dance* *crazy*
3 days!!! <3

Soo since I got my excitement out now, let's go back in time and see what happened since we slipped into another year. In the first week of January, my hostmom took me and the kids to the Safari Park in San Diego <3 It was great! The weather was wonderful and I loved to see all those cute animals, i.e baby gorillas and elephants, giraffes, tigers, lions! My favourites were the giraffes&elephants <3 Unfortunately I forgot to charge the batteries of my camera so I couldn't take many pictures :(

The weekend after I went whale watching with my best friend in America <3 She is from South Africa and a really great person! Sadly she will leave soon.. Anyway we took the bus to Newport Beach (which took us 2 hours btw -.- ) and enjoyed a nice boat ride out into the ocean. H. loved it!! It was my second time doing it and I was happy to see my beloved dolphins again <3 But we didn't see any whales this time either. Though it still was a special tour since we were very lucky to find a group of Risso's dolphin! They are white, very shy and have a round head. Very cute!! I am probably gonna do it again some time... I so wanna see a whale! xD

I did two other big things in January (wow, busy month!). My friend, her friends and I went to a crazy amusement park, North of Los Angeles, called Sixxflags Magic Mountain. It was totally insane aaaaaawesome!!! I didn't know I appreciated rollercoaster that much! Haha, I loooved it a lot and couldn't wait to get to the next one :) :) And the best was that the park was nearly empty :D (The weather forecast predicted rain so the Californians were too scared to go out xD) Most of the time we walked through the line-part and could ride the rollercoaster right away :D Just like that we managed to ride 10 or 11 :) :) Still not all of them, but normaly you get to ride only 3 or 4 due to loooong lines. It was a perfect day :)

The other event was the Chinese New Year Parade in Los Angeles :) Apparently China celebrates its New Year on a different date. They also have a different animal sign for each year. Thus their New Year of the Dragon started on January 23rd! So there were a lot of dragons at the parade, too :) I felt like I was in China; it was really cool :) And hot again :D People were able to buy confetti rods, which exploded into the sky, and similar stuff to celebrate! I am gonna remember it for sure since it was also my first time in Chinatown at all :) Besides many great dragons you also saw politicians, writers, actors, Mulan&Mushu, Ronald McDonald, dancers, musicians, martial artitst, the police on horses x3 and many different organisations who were advertising :)

Shamu the Killer Whale <3
Compared to January, the second month of the year was pretty lazy :D Most of the weekends I stayed at home or went to some malls around here. Nothing big. But I did go to Sea World in San Diego on the first weekend in February *_____* My friends and I took the train&bus down there and the ride was so pretty since it was close to the ocean nearly all the time! We slept a lot too though :D Throughout the day we saw penguins, sharks, tropical fish and amazing shows of killer whales, dolphins and sea lions!!! Those were really really great *O* I can't really say which one was my favourite.. they were all awesome <333 And it was more empty than normal again :D 80% of America was watching the Football Superbowl in the TV - it's some kinda final which I still don't really understand xD But everyone is crazy about it :D Good for us though <3 On that day I realized again how much I love sealife *-*

Maybe I have said that already a couple of times before, but.. the time sure goes by fast! I can't believe it's already March. In 16 days I have been in the USA for a whole year. Can you believe that? I can't! Where did the time go? My "baby" boy is already 20 months old too. He can say a lot of words and can do so many things. He is really smart <3 And big!! >.< I loooooove him SO much <3
My little girl is growing too much, too T_T You can see it in a different way than her brother. Of course her growth, but also her understanding, intelligence and sense of rightness. Oh and she can write all kinda names and words :) :) She is just lovely <3

I think I am gonna write on March 21st again. Then I have been here for 1 year!! And March is gonna be buuuuusy again *____*

Baaaaaaa! (That's how my little baby boy says Bye <33)